
Welcome to my personal homepage!

I’m Justin, 24 years old, from near Cologne in Germany and i’m working with WordPress and PHP at “Webwisser GmbH” since 2019.

In my work in web and WordPress development, I am constantly driven by the desire to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions. I have a passion for exploring the intricate details of WordPress and its core functionality, continually expanding my skills and knowledge. And I’m open to any tips on how to make something even better.

Important Note: This is a personal website, and I do not offer any paid services or take on freelance projects. My aim is to share the knowledge from the talks I give at WordCamps, so users can revisit the slides and other materials after the events. This is purely a passion project to help the WordPress community!

In recent years, I have successfully improved and optimized existing WordPress projects at my employer “Webwisser GbmH” to increase their functionality and user-friendliness. In doing so, I have gained experience in customizing themes and developing bespoke plugins to tailor solutions to the individual needs of clients.

Thank you for visiting my website. Feel free to explore and learn more about my work and experiences. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m excited to connect with you!

Sincerely, Justin (@jujoko7CF)


Den richtigen Hook finden @ WCKA Karlsruhe 2024

In diesem Vortrag wird gezeigt, wie man Plugins, Themes und den WordPress-Core über Actions und Filter anpasst, ohne den Code direkt zu verändern. Es werden praktische Beispiele für gängige Anpassungen präsentiert und Methoden zur Identifizierung von Hooks erläutert, auch wenn keine Dokumentation vorhanden ist.

CSS:has(.evolved) @ WCDE Gerolstein 2023

Ein Blick in die Zukunft von CSS: Wie neue vielversprechende Features, wie z.B. :has(), Container Queries und Nesting, CSS revolutionieren können. Diese Neuerungen eröffnen faszinierende Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, ohne auf Präprozessoren oder JavaScript angewiesen zu sein. Mithilfe eines keinen Projekts wird schrittweise veranschaulicht, wie zukünftig diese neuen Funktionen im Kontext von WordPress effektiv eingesetzt werden können.

Events attended:

WCKA Karlsruhe

WordCamp Europe Turino


Contibuting to the “core” group at the contributor day
Colosseo, Europa-Park

CloudFest Europe


Contibuting to the “CMS Health Check” group at the hackathon

WordCamp Germany Gerolstein


Contibuting to the “core” group at the contributor day
WCDE Gerolstein
Akropolis, Athens

WordCamp Europe Athens


Contibuting to the “core” group at the contributor day

CloudFest Europe


Contibuting to the “Statify” group at the hackathon
Alexanderplatz, Europa-Park
University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart

WordCamp Stuttgart


Den richtigen Hook finden